H.E. Mr. Abdulla bin Adel Fakhro stressed the depth of the historical bilateral relations between Bahrain and India, noting the importance of investing these strong relations in creating and developing economic partnerships between the two sides.
This came during a meeting that gathered His Excellency Mr. Abdulla bin Adel Fakhro, Minister of Industry and Commerce, and Mr. Mukesh T. Kavalani, Chairman of the Thattai Hindu Merchants Community, in the presence of a number of Board Members.
The meeting discussed a number of topics of common interest, as well as the positive results of the official visit of the Bahraini economic delegation to India last March, headed by His Excellency the Minister of Industry and Commerce, where His Excellency highlighted the attractive investment environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the privileges and facilities the Kingdom provides to investors inside and outside of Bahrain, stressing their importance in improving economic and trade relations to achieve common goals and aspirations .
For his part, Mr. Mukesh T. Kavalani, Chairman of the Thattai Hindu Merchants Community, praised the depth and progress of bilateral economic relations between the two countries, praising the great efforts made by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to develop the flow of investments between the two sides.