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Complaints Related to Anti-injurious Practices in International Trade

​​Safeguarding Industries from Harmful Practices in International Trade

In line with the fundamental objectives of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and in alignment with the goals of the Unified Economic Agreement of the Council, aimed at achieving economic integration among member states, and recognizing the vital role played by Gulf industries in the economies of the Council's countries, the GCC states have undertaken necessary measures to safeguard their industries from harmful practices in international trade directed towards them by non-member states. These practices either cause damage to Gulf industries, threaten their occurrence, or hinder their establishment. This is accomplished through the utilization of Antidumping, Countervailing Measures,  and Safeguard Measures under Law No. (48) of 2011, approving the GCC Common Law on Anti-Dumping, Countervailing Measures , Safeguard Measures, and its Rules of Implementation.

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Current Cases Related to Harmful Practices in International Trade:


​1. Anti-dumping cases​​​

​A. ​​​​Initiated Investigations​:

​​​​​​B. Investig​ations ended with imposed duties:

​​​2. Safeguarding cases


A. ​​Initiated Investigations​:

B. Investigations ended with imposed duties

3. Countervailing measures cases

A. Initiated Investigations

B. Investigations ended with imposed duties​​