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Consumer Protection

​​The Department is competent in coordination and cooperation with concerned bodies supervising the implementation of the consumer protection law and decisions implementing thereof to facilitate consumer access to products with acceptable quality and favorable price, protection of commercial fraud and harmful monopolistic practices​​​

​​The Consumer Protection Directorate concentrates on complaints received against commercial sector and solve it as possible according to the laws and regulations. this covers all complaints with regards to products and services, except for medicines, healthy foods and health products authorized to be imported by the concerned authority at the Ministry of Health that are sold in pharmacies and health centers licensed, as well as services provided by self-employed and professionals involved in freelance jobs like medicine field, engineering, law and insurance.

​​the consumer can file a complaint through the following steps and channels:    

  1. Approaching the consumer protection directorate.
  2. File a consumer complaint by email.
  3. File a consumer complaint by fax
  4. Hot line

​​According to Article No. (22 ) of the implementing Regulations of Consumer Protection Law , the directorate shall examine the complaint submitted to it within a period not exceeding sixty days from the date of submission, and a report is being generated with all the actions been taken with regards to the complaint.​

​​yes, for the purposed of return, exchange or refund of a product you need to keep the invoices issued while purchasing.  ​

According to Article No. (14 ) of promulgation the implementing of Consumer Protection Law , the consumer has the right to replace the item or returned with a refund value, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the item , and if the item has a defect or malfunction or was not in conformity with the specifications approved by law or the purpose which had been contracted for​

shop do not have the right to sell any commodity or product to consumer for a price higher than the announced price as this action is a violation to the ministerial order no. (1) year 2007  in regards of retail price, and consumer protection directorate can be informed about this offense to take appropriate legal action

it’s under the responsibility of department of  Food  Control at ministry of Health​​

This type of complaints is not under the responsibility of Consumer protection and It's under the responsibility of Central bank of Bahrain, insurance supervision directorate ​​

​According to UN Charters, the global consumer rights are as the following:

1. The right to be satisfied with the basic needs: the consumer must have access to necessary basic goods and services such as adequate food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education.

2. The right to be safe: the consumer has the right to be protected against products, production processes and services that are hazardous to health and safety.

3. The right to be informed: the consumer has the right to be informed about the facts that will help him/her in buying and consuming in a proper manner and be aware of his basic rights and responsibilities.

4. The right to choose: the consumer has the right to choose from a variety of quality goods and services sold at competitive prices with quality assurance.

5. The right to be heard: the consumer's interests are to be represented before official and non-official entities and his/her views are to be taken with regard to the development of goods and services.

6. The right to be compensated: the consumer has the right to a fair solution for his/her grievances about substandard, unsafe and unduly expensive goods and services, unfair claims and other unfair consumer practices.

7. The right to education through to get the individual culture of consumer protection in order to help him in the optimal choice of goods and services and miscellaneous commensurate with its potential material.

8. The right to live in a healthy and sustainable environment: the consumer has the right to live and work in environment free from pollution.

1. To look for the specifications of the good he/she willing to buy and to assure having enough and correct information about what he/she is willing to buy.

2. To be aware of his/her rights in all aspects of consumption.

3. To cooperate with the consumer protection authorities to applying decisions related to consumption awareness.

4. To submit a complaint against any breach of the laws governing the consumption, and to make suggestions of what he sees.

You can get all the information and awareness lectures and workshops related to the concepts of consumer awareness by sending a request to get information on e-mail:

Or fax number:

(+973) 17532180

A ”consumer” is every natural or corporate person who obtains products to satisfy his/its needs or requirements of persons belonging thereto

​1. Be alert about the advertisements while going for purchase of goods

2. Not be carried away by statements like free offers / discounts etc. since they are not the deciding factors for the requirement of consumers.

3. Not be misled through colorful glamorous advertisements.​

​1. Decide in advance exactly what you want.

2. Do your research. Ask your family, friends, and others you trust for advice based on their experience.

3. Gather information about the seller and the item or service you intend to purchase.

4. When you purchase the item, keep copies of the guarantees, warranties, and receipt.

5. After-sale services are essential. Ask for advice from others you trust and assess the after-sale services provided by the seller.