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Companies Control

The Financial reports, Annual General Meeting invitations,  & Remove violation Requests are filed with the Company’s Control Directorate through “Sijilat” system.

Guidelines can be found  by clicking the links below:

Request annual report submission

Annual General Meeting

Violation Removal \ Violation Removal Status Enquiry

Bahrain joint stock companies public and closed, With Limited Liability Company and

Limited Partnership By Shares & foreign branch

The Audited financial report should be filed during six months of the financial year end date, signed by Chairman of the Board of Directors and a member ( for Bahrain joint stock companies public and closed) & must be signed on behalf of the directors by two directors ( for With Limited Liability Company, foreign branch, Limited Partnership By Shares).​​

  1. ​​​The financial report to be issued by the Audit firm licensed by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
  2. Prepared in accordance with international standards for the preparation and presentation of financial statements
  3. Contain the opinion of the auditor
  4. Stamped by the office issuing the report or signed by an accredited auditor registered with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
  5. Signed by the chairman and another member or Directors.​
  6. Includes the name of the company and business registration number and date of issuance of the report and the company's fiscal year
  7. Be a certified report by the auditor and not the draft.
  8. Include all the branches of the company.

1. Bank statement for the company. 
2. the latest electricity bill of the company 
3. A copy of the lease contract. 
4. Photos of 
5. billboard (signboard)
6. The minister  resolution to re-activate the company.
7. A recent financial report proves the existence of the company's capital.

One or group of cash transactions in which the Compliance officer is suspected of having a relation to money-laundering or financing of terrorism through its extraordinary size, repetition, nature, circumstances, or unusual pattern that does not involve a clear economic objective Or if the activity of the persons involved in the operation - or operations - is inconsistent with their normal activity, or where such persons are located in States that do not adequately implement the AML / CFT procedures.

Yes, and there are no legal implications after reporting according to Article (13) of Ministerial Resolution No. (103) of 2021, which states that “the licensee, the compliance officer, his deputy and the compliance employee shall not be held criminally, civilly, administratively or disciplinary liable because of the performance of their obligations under the provisions of this decision.”

  1. ​​Bahraini or GCC / USA citizens.
  2. Holder of B.Sc. degree in accounting or business administration with specialization in accounting from one of the universities or high institutes recognized by the relevant authority or any equivalent certificate recognized by such authority, the study duration should not be less than 3 years.
  3. Has a period of practical experience of no less than Two years in accounting or auditing
  4. Working on a full-time basis employment in this practice and not working in the government or the private sector​.
  1. ​​Agenda for the Annual General Meeting
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting.
  3. List of Board of Directors & their position
  4. Management letter from the auditor.
  5. The Directors Report for the year end.
  6. The Audited Financial Statements for the year end.
  7. Corporate Governance Report
  8. Sample of the AGM/EGM notice to the shareholders.
  9. Agreed-upon-procedures (AUP) report on "corporate governance compliance" issued by the external auditor for the year end.

  10. Agreed-upon-procedures (AUP) report on "related party transactions" issued by the external auditor for the year end.

​ ​Fill the customer complaint form and submitted directly to Company’s control Directorate Or through

 Tawasul System​

​​The corporate governance code issued by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce  issued in 2018. For more details click on the following link:


Corporate Governance Code

The Form can be downloaded from the link below and submitted through Sijilat system.

Anti-Money laundering Compliance Officer Appointment Form:

Anti-Money laundering Compliance Officer Appointment Form

​​​Companies that did not conduct their activities from the date of completion of the procedures established or stopped exercising without an acceptable excuse for more than a calendar year connected on the basis of Article 320 of the Commercial Companies Law, based on the decision No. (37) for the year 2008 under the Commercial Companies.