Under the Patronage of HE the minister of Industry, Commerce & Tourism Mr. Zayed R. Alzayani, the 6th International Professional Conference is launched under title of “The Future of the Accounting Profession in Light of the Knowledge Revolution”. The conference is organized by the International Arab Society of Certified Accountants at Wyndham Grand Hotel.
During the opening ceremony, the minister pointed out that the global economy in general and the emerging economies in particular requires more accuracy for the opportunities available. He added that are accounting reports are the most important elements of attracting foreign investments and capital and localization local investments in addition of being a key source of decision-making.
He pointed out that profession of accounting and auditing are like other professions face many challenges. Globalization and the rapid economic challenges that have emerged in the business environment have slowdown of economic growth, resulted in major changes in the profession of accounting and auditing, and required new roles and duties for accountants and auditors to establish strong rules in line with the developments.
The great efforts and keenness undertaken by the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain to face the challenges professionally has been able to deal with all difficulties, overcome them, and thus maintain its advances position internationally in all economic and developmental fields.