H.E. Mr. Abdulla bin Adel Fakhro, Minister of Industry and Commerce, visited Jalal Ionics Company "Aqua Cool" in Mina Salman Industrial Area, as part of the continuous efforts to follow-up on all developments and production mechanisms in the industrial sector facilities in accordance with the requirements of the local and regional market and in accordance with international standards.
His Excellency the Minister was briefed on all stages of bottled mineral water production, starting from the harvesting and processing process to the water bottling process. Factory director Mr. Mahmoud Al Hashemi gave a detailed explanation to His Excellency the Minister on the mechanisms of the factory's commitment to achieving high quality in products and health and safety standards in line with international standards.
Minister Fakhro expressed his pride in local industry, praising the Company’s efforts in promoting the field of water industry in the Kingdom and the quality of the factory's products, and affirming the Ministry's commitment to push local factories to achieve the objectives of the Industrial Sector Strategy (2022-2026), which aims to increase the contribution of the industrial sector to the GDP, increase exports of the industrial sector of national origin, achieve sustainable development and offer new opportunities for investment and export.