It is a Mark granted to National factories licensed by MOIC where items produced are made of 35% or more of domestic content. This Mark is given to catalyze Bahraini industry through supporting local production and bringing consumers closer to the National product.
The Aims of The Mark:
•Diversifying income sources and heightening the contribution of non-oil sectors in the National Economy.
•Supporting the National product by instilling 3 main principles: fairness, sustainability, and competitiveness.
•Bringing consumers closer to the National product, and building confidence in local industrial capabilities.
•Substituting the imported products with the National product.
•Promoting the National product in the local, regional and international markets.
•Encouraging factories to produce premium products of high quality and value
Application process:
1.Log in to the commercial registration portal.
2.Select (Made in Bahrain Mark).
3.Fill in the required information (from last audit report).
4.Review your application and submit it.
5.The application will be reviewed and contact the applicant (if necessary).
6.A certificate of Made in Bahrain Mark will be issued and valid for one year, synchronized with the validity of the industrial registration
For more information, you can contact the Industrial Development Department at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce:
Phone number: +973 17359002
Email: mibm@moic.gov.bh